This is a real customer story from Andrew Eade. He is the owner of an audio-visual production company called Creative Underground. His company provides recording and live-streaming services. The recording studio is in Leesburg Virginia as well as in the field, and the events range from concerts to corporate events.
The problems he encountered during live streaming
For this time of year, Andrew is often live streaming sports like youth ice hockey. However, he thinks that streaming live sports on your own is terrifying, especially ice hockey. Because you have to be the camera operator, commentator switcher, scorekeeper, and sound guy all wrapped up in one.

The internet is always a challenge because few rinks have ethernet. If there is Wi-Fi, it’s usually guest Wi-Fi that is shared with dozens of YouTube-watching people. Also, the signal inside a steel building is practically non-existent.

In his previous OBS setup, Andrew was constantly experiencing everything from hardware conflicts, audio stuttering, image freezing, and Windows blue screens of death. Coupled with a fear of getting things technically wrong, he was always looking for a better way than using OBS on a power-hungry laptop.

What YoloBox can do for him
Thanks to YoloBox, Andrew has been able to perfect his setup and process over the past 18 months, and can be set up in minutes. It’s also easy to move from one ring to another without relying on power outlets. Also, there is no need to completely break down and reset. It’s possible to stream even in moderate network conditions or poor recording conditions.

The YoloBox pro has been NO.1 game-changer. The rig is already set up when you take it out. So all you have to do is power everything up and run some speed tests. The anxiety of unexpected technical issues cropping up is gone and you can relax and focus on calling the game and interacting with your audience.

What Yolo team do for customers
The only feature that Andrew was impressed with is slow motion replays. It’s a great feature for a high-speed sport like ice hockey where it’s often difficult to see how the goal was scored at regular speed. Many people on the YoloBox Facebook group had mentioned how amazing it would be to add that feature. So less than a year later, we had this slow motion replays feature on the YoloBox Pro. Not only does the YoloBox pro replace the OBS, but also it is smaller with better reliability, faster setup time, and no additional subscription costs for a scoreboard.
But the Yolo team wasn’t done there. The addition of the remote guest feature allowed something that the OBS rig can’t do. You could quickly and easily pull in remote interviews or camera angles even on the fly. This allowed people to connect with their audience in a whole new way and have them feel so much more included in events and communities.

Andrew would be remiss to not mention the most amazing feature of the YoloBox is the community. The YoloLiv Facebook group and the Yolo team are the key differentiators against any other product he’s used. Answers and experts are a click away. Best practices and ideas are shared freely and suggestions are quickly converted to new features and implemented by the Yolo team in software updates.

So if you’re looking for an all-in-one live streaming solution, this will save you some time. There is currently nothing else on the market that is more portable and easy to set up and operate than the YoloBox!

Meredith, the Marketing Manager at YoloLiv. After getting her bachelor’s degree, she explores her whole passion for YoloBox and Pro. Also, she contributed blog posts on how to enhance live streaming experiences, how to get started with live streaming, and many more.