The video playback feature is one of the favorite features among our customers. But have it occurred to you that the SD card is not recognized or no images/videos are recognized after inserting an SD card to YoloBox/YolOWhen you get stuck and have no idea what to do in an SD card read failure issue on YoloBox, this blog is your way out of it.
My SD card can not be detected (YoloBox doesn’t read pictures and videos from it), what should I do?
- Make sure your SD card is in FAT 32 format with less than 128 GB of storage. Here’s a quick tutorial on how we can format the sd cards. Mac or Windows computer.
- If your videos or images cannot be recognized, please make sure:
- The images on SD cards have to be in PNG format to be recognized.
- The videos support the form of mp4, FlV, MkV, MOV(with no transparent background), MPG, VOB, but not AVI and WMV.

YoloBox Pro
- YoloBox Pro supports all SD file types including FAT32, exFAT, and NTFS with less than 1TB of storage.
- YoloBox Pro supports image files including supports JPG/JPEG, PNG, and GIF.
- YoloBox Pro supports video files including MP4, FlV, MkV, MOV(with no transparent background), MPG, and VOB, but not AVI and WMV.
But if you still encounter the recognizing failure issue, please always remember to do the following check:
- Check if your SD card can be read on your other devices, your cameras, or your laptop. Most of the time, SD cards turned out to be defective.
2. Update your current YoloBox Pro’s software/ firmware version to the latest. Go to the “Account” screen, the upgrade notification window will pop up.
3. If all above fails, please feel free to reach out to our support team via or

As a support specialist at YoloLiv, troubleshooting and resolving issues from customers is her daily routine. Whenever there is an issue, that’s the time Rita shows up. She analyzes and combs through questions, issues and requests from customers and make contents that are very practical for your live streaming.