Are you looking to expand your Facebook Live reach across multiple pages? If so, you’re in luck! With Facebook’s crossposting feature, streaming to multiple pages simultaneously is not only possible but also surprisingly straightforward.
Crossposting allows you to broadcast your live events to multiple Facebook pages with just a few clicks. Here’s how it works:
- Schedule your live-streaming event as usual and navigate to the event preview page.

2. Look for the “Distribution” section and find the “Crosspost” option.

3. Click on “Crosspost” to bring up a window displaying all connected pages.

4. Select the pages you want to crosspost to and voila! Your live event will broadcast to all selected pages simultaneously.
But wait, there’s a catch: in order to crosspost to pages other than your own, you need to have admin privileges granted by the page owners. This can be achieved either by the page owners adding you as an admin or by connecting multiple pages under your control.
For example, if you’re collaborating with another company or organization for an event, they can temporarily make you an admin on their page. This allows you to access their page and crosspost your live stream without any hassle.
Similarly, if you’re managing multiple pages for your own business or projects, connecting them all under your control enables seamless cross-posting between them.
It’s important to note that the limitation on crossposting lies within Facebook’s platform, not within the capabilities of YoloLive. So, as long as you have the necessary permissions, you can expand your audience reach effortlessly.
In conclusion, crossposting is a powerful tool for maximizing the impact of your live-streaming events on Facebook. By leveraging this feature, you can engage with multiple audiences simultaneously and amplify your message across various pages.
So, why limit yourself to one page when you can reach them all? Start crossposting today and watch your audience grow!
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Ellie, the Customer Success Manager at YoloLiv, devoted to ensuring every customer enjoys a satisfied product experience. She proactively addresses customer inquiries and needs to deliver exceptional service.